
Apartment* 50m² High season: 72 Euro for 2 adults/day Low season: 66 Euro for 2 adults/day Apartment* 80m² High season: 75 Euro for 2 adults/day Low season: 69 Euro for 2 adults/day Cottage Apartment High season: 72 Euro for 2 adults/day Low season: 66 Euro for 2 adults/day * Additional Weiterlesen…


We will be happy to deliver bread rolls, newspaper, etc. to your home every day!  For the order there is a block in the entrance area of the apartment (table next to the entrance door). The order must be placed the day before until 14:30 at the latest. We also Weiterlesen…


Imprint Information according to § 5 TMG Marianne Schönhuber Aufham 1 83125 Eggstätt Represented by:  Marianne Schönhuber Contact: Phone: 08056-347 E-Mail: Disclaimer:  Liability for contents The contents of our pages have been created with the utmost care. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the content. Weiterlesen…